Our Leadership

Scott Liddell

Senior Pastor

Email: sliddell@fourthmemorial.com

Scott Liddell grew up in the Pacific Northwest, raised by parents who valued Bible-based preaching. Although he attended church his entire life, Scott made a personal decision to trust Christ after his senior year of high school. Scott received his BA in Business Administration from Washington State University. In college, he was discipled for three years by a college pastor. This mentorship gave Scott a passion for college ministry, foreign students, and global missions. While on a short-term outreach in China, Scott committed his life to full-time ministry.

Following graduation, Scott became a bi-vocational minister at Crossover Church when it was just a two-year-old church plant in north Spokane. During his 15-year tenure, Scott’s primary areas of oversight included both missions and college/single ministries. Scott joined the team at Fourth, August 2013, as the college pastor. Two years later, while still overseeing a dynamic college ministry, Scott’s job expanded to that of executive pastor. Currently, he is serving as the Senior Pastor of Fourth Memorial Church. He completed his master’s degree in biblical studies from Western Seminary.

Scott married his wife, Wendy, after meeting at Crossover Church (1999). Wendy has taught middle school in Deer Park, but is currently the President of Great Northern University. Scott and Wendy enjoy traveling, reading, camping, and other outdoor activities.

Jayson Turner

Pastor of Discipleship

Email: jturner@fourthmemorial.com

Jayson Turner spent his childhood in the suburbs of Chicago before his family relocated to the Pacific Northwest while a teenager. Although coming to faith in Jesus as a young age, it wasn’t until his college years that Jay grew a heart for ministry & God’s Word. Jay graduated from the University of Washington, then completed his MDiv. at Western Seminary. He has labored as a pastor for the past 30 years. What you will quickly discover about Jay is the best thing about him, beyond a magnificent Savior, is his family.

When he is not preaching or making disciples, you will find him driving people around Spokane as an ‘Uber-pastor.’ We are called to be fishers of men, and this is where Jay likes to fish. Follow Jay on instagram as he shares the stories of ‘talking Jesus’ with those in need of a savior: @uberpastor.

After 30 years of life & ministry in the Seattle area, the Turners began a new chapter for their family by packing up their belongings and moving to Spokane. They LOVE this city! Since March of 2020, Jay has served as part of the pastoral team here at FMC.

Melissa Iverson

Director of Church Ministries

Email: miverson@fourthmemorial.com

Melissa grew up in a Christian home with her father a pastor and her mother a teacher at Northwest Christian Schools. Thus, godly parents, teachers, and friends have always been a vital part of Melissa’s life and spiritual development. Melissa began attending Fourth’s junior high youth group where she dedicated her life to advancing the gospel of Christ.

Melissa met her future husband, Dan, while attending Northwest Christian High School. After graduating, she worked several summers at Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center, where she further developed her heart for people through hospitality and service. Although Melissa has a bachelor’s in Business Management from Whitworth University, she spent the foundational years at home nurturing their four daughters, Emily, Faith, Abigail and Lillian.

Melissa somehow manages to take her very full hospitality ministry and people skills outside her home walls to serve her church family. Any free time Melissa has is spent loving her family and friends with passion and enthusiasm.

Kole Smith

Director of Youth & Young Adults

Email: ksmith@fourthmemorial.com

Kole Smith grew up in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho as the second oldest of five children. At the age of 16 Kole came to faith in Jesus, at which time he developed a passion for ministry and discipleship. After high school, Kole attended Moody Bible Institute from 2013-2016—when it was still hosted in Fourth Memorial Church. After graduating with his B.A. in Biblical Studies, Kole moved to California to pursue his M.A. in Philosophy from Talbot School of Theology.

Upon graduating in 2018, Kole moved back to Spokane to be close to family and escape the heat of California. Since then, he has been teaching Philosophy and Theology courses at Great Northern University and Moody Aviation in Spokane. In 2023, Kole joined the team at Fourth Memorial as the Director of Youth and Young Adult’s Ministries and has been here ever since.

Kole’s favorite activity is spending time with his wife, Anna, and their two pugs Kimchi and Misa. You can often find Kole and Anna at various coffee shops around town reading a good book. When the weather permits, Kole loves backpacking, hiking, and anything outdoors.

Brenden Archer

Worship Director

Email: barcher@fourthmemorial.com

Brenden was born in southern California, and later moved up to Spokane in 2006, and he has lived in Spokane ever since. In 2013, he started attending Indian Trail Church, where he met several close friends, and several godly men who discipled him throughout much of his life. A few years after he started attending Indian Trail, the Lord saved him, and he began to put his faith and trust in God rather than in what he could do himself.

A graduate of Shadle Park High School and Whitworth University, Brenden remembers loving music at an early age. He got his first (toy) drum set when he was two years old, and continued to pursue his classical study of percussion through his undergraduate degree in music. Throughout high school and college, Brenden got to be a part of several worship teams at Indian Trail, learning to play the guitar and piano along the way, and led children’s worship ministry there for four years. In the fall of 2024, Brenden was hired on as Fourth Memorial Church’s Worship Director.

Brenden holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. When Brenden isn’t playing a musical instrument, he loves being outside, playing sports with friends (tennis, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee are his favorites), and reading.

Jill Vrablick

Children’s Administrator

Email: jvrablick@fourthmemorial.com